Mango En Espana Review

Mango En Espana Review
Principales variedades de mango en España AvoGo Consulting from


Spain is renowned for its delectable fruits, and one fruit that stands out in particular is the mango. With its luscious taste and vibrant color, the mango has become a favorite among locals and tourists alike. In this review, we will delve into the world of mangoes in Spain, exploring their varieties, flavors, and availability.

The Mango Varieties in Spain

Spain boasts a wide range of mango varieties, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of the most popular varieties include the Tommy Atkins, Kent, Osteen, and Keitt. Each variety has its own distinct flavor profile, ranging from sweet and juicy to tangy and tropical.

The Tommy Atkins Mango

The Tommy Atkins mango is one of the most widely consumed mango varieties in Spain. Its vibrant red skin and sweet, juicy flesh make it a favorite among mango enthusiasts. This variety is known for its robust flavor and firm texture, making it ideal for both snacking and cooking.

The Kent Mango

The Kent mango is another popular variety in Spain. With its smooth, green skin and sweet, fiberless flesh, it is highly sought after by mango lovers. The Kent mango is known for its rich, tropical flavor and buttery texture, making it perfect for enjoying on its own or adding to fruit salads and smoothies.

The Osteen Mango

The Osteen mango is a lesser-known variety in Spain, but it is gaining popularity due to its excellent taste and texture. This mango has a bright yellow skin and a smooth, fiberless flesh that is both sweet and tangy. The Osteen mango is often used in desserts and sauces, adding a burst of flavor to any dish.

The Keitt Mango

The Keitt mango is a late-season variety, typically harvested in late summer and early autumn. It has a green skin that turns yellow as it ripens, and its flesh is smooth, juicy, and fiberless. The Keitt mango is known for its sweet, tropical taste and is often used in salsas, chutneys, and smoothies.

Flavor and Ripeness

When it comes to mangoes in Spain, flavor and ripeness are crucial factors to consider. A ripe mango should have a sweet aroma and yield slightly to gentle pressure. The flesh should be juicy and smooth, without any fibrous textures. It is important to note that different mango varieties have varying levels of sweetness and acidity, so it’s worth trying different varieties to find your preferred flavor profile.

Availability and Seasonality

Mangoes are widely available in Spain, especially during the summer months. However, their availability may vary depending on the region and the specific variety. The peak season for mangoes in Spain is typically from June to September, when the fruits are at their juiciest and most flavorful. It is during this time that you will find an abundance of mangoes in local markets and grocery stores.

Where to Buy Mangoes in Spain

You can find mangoes in various places in Spain, including local markets, supermarkets, and specialty fruit stores. Many cities also have dedicated fruit markets where you can find a wide range of fresh fruits, including mangoes. Additionally, some online retailers offer mangoes for delivery, allowing you to enjoy this tropical delight from the comfort of your own home.

Mango Recipes

Mangoes are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. From refreshing smoothies and salads to decadent desserts and salsas, there are countless mango recipes to explore. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Mango Smoothie: Blend ripe mangoes with yogurt, ice, and a splash of orange juice for a refreshing and nutritious smoothie.

2. Mango Salsa: Mix diced mangoes with red onions, jalapenos, lime juice, and cilantro for a tangy and flavorful salsa that pairs perfectly with grilled meats and tacos.

3. Mango Salad: Combine sliced mangoes with mixed greens, avocado, and a citrus vinaigrette for a light and refreshing salad.

4. Mango Chutney: Cook diced mangoes with onions, ginger, garlic, vinegar, and spices for a sweet and spicy chutney that complements cheese and Indian dishes.

5. Mango Sorbet: Blend frozen mangoes with a touch of honey and lime juice for a refreshing and guilt-free dessert.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are mangoes in Spain organic?

Yes, there are organic mangoes available in Spain. Look for the “organic” label when purchasing mangoes if you prefer organic produce.

2. Can I freeze mangoes?

Yes, you can freeze mangoes. Simply peel and dice the mangoes, place them in a freezer-safe bag or container, and store them in the freezer for up to six months.

3. How do I know if a mango is ripe?

A ripe mango should have a sweet aroma and yield slightly to gentle pressure. You can also check the color of the skin, as ripe mangoes often have a yellow or reddish hue.

4. How can I ripen a mango?

If you have a slightly underripe mango, you can ripen it at room temperature. To expedite the ripening process, you can place the mango in a paper bag or alongside a ripe banana.

5. Can I eat the skin of a mango?

While the skin of a mango is technically edible, most people prefer to peel it before consuming the fruit. The skin can be tough and fibrous, so it’s best to remove it for a better eating experience.