Black Spots On Mango Review In 2023: Tips And Tricks

Black Spots On Mango Review In 2023: Tips And Tricks
Black Dots On Mango What Is It? Safe To Eat? from


Mangoes are a delicious tropical fruit loved by many. However, sometimes you may come across black spots on mangoes, which can be concerning. In this article, we will review the causes of black spots on mangoes, whether they are safe to eat, and how to prevent them.

What Causes Black Spots on Mangoes?

Black spots on mangoes can be caused by various factors. One common cause is a fungal infection called anthracnose. This fungus thrives in warm and humid environments and can cause black lesions on the mango’s skin. Other possible causes include sunburn, insect damage, and bruising during transportation.

Are Mangoes with Black Spots Safe to Eat?

In most cases, mangoes with black spots are safe to eat. The black spots are usually superficial and do not affect the fruit’s taste or quality. However, if the spots are accompanied by a foul odor or the fruit feels mushy, it is best to discard it as it may be overripe or spoiled.

Preventing Black Spots on Mangoes

While it may not always be possible to prevent black spots on mangoes, there are some steps you can take to minimize the occurrence:

  1. Handle mangoes with care to avoid bruising during transportation.
  2. Avoid exposing mangoes to direct sunlight for extended periods.
  3. Store mangoes in a cool and well-ventilated area to prevent fungal growth.
  4. Inspect mangoes before purchasing, and choose ones with minimal blemishes.


1. Can I still eat a mango with black spots?

Yes, you can still eat a mango with black spots. The black spots are typically harmless and do not affect the fruit’s taste.

2. How do I know if a mango is overripe?

An overripe mango may have soft spots, an off-putting smell, or a mushy texture. If you notice these signs, it is best to discard the fruit.

3. Are black spots a sign of spoilage?

Black spots alone are not necessarily a sign of spoilage. However, if the black spots are accompanied by other signs such as a foul odor or a mushy texture, the mango may be spoiled.

4. Can I remove black spots from a mango?

While you can remove black spots from a mango, it is not necessary. The spots are usually superficial and do not affect the fruit’s quality or taste.

5. How long can I store mangoes?

Mangoes can be stored at room temperature for a few days to ripen. Once ripe, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.